Back at San Diego Comic-Con, Dynamite Entertainment revealed that they'd be rebooting their Army of Darkness comic book universe with a new series called Ash and the Army of Darkness written by horror aficionado Steve Niles and artist Dennis Calero. With the release of issue #1 coming on October 30th (just in time for Halloween!), Dynamite has finally released a look at some colored pages from the book.
Ash and the Army of Darkness #1 catches up with Ash Williams directly after the film's conclusion. "I am shooting for equal parts scary and funny without either stepping on the other. That's why almost all the humor comes from Ash's reactions," Niles said in a press release. "The curse of the dead is very serious and it is only through Ash's eyes we are able to laugh. I don't want people to feel too safe because of the jokes. There will still be extreme horror. Dennis' art is perfect for what we are going after. It's very realistic so the horror is in your face and the comedy plays much better."
Check out the preview in slideshow below with covers by Ben Templesmith and Calero.