A message and a Halloween gift!
Some of you know I’ve been fairly vocal about piracy. I’m not going to preach here, but I would like to present you with some basic facts before we get on to the fun stuff.
Years back I did a one-shot comic called PIECES FOR MOM with artist Andrew Ritchie. Rob Mattison helped adapt the prose story and old message board buddy Jason Hanley lettered. Image Comics published.
I don’t remember the numbers we got back, maybe 5k issues ordered, definitely under 10k. We sold enough to pay for the book, but not enough to justify doing more. I was always bummed because I thought Andrew Ritchie’s art was the creepiest shit I’d seen since Ben Templesmith. But with low orders, and no money made we couldn’t afford to do anymore.
Last week my girlfriend showed me one RapidShare site where they had PIECES FOR MOM available for free, illegal download.
It had been downloaded almost 20 thousand times.
And that was just one site. I didn’t look at the other four or five she found.
So, the book HAD been successful. Unfortunately for Andrew and I though, we saw nothing for it.
This has been my biggest fear and now I know for certain the same theft that obliterated the music industry will affect comics. Heard any good bands lately? Yeah, me neither. I hope thieves enjoy nothing but corporate music, comics and films because that is the road they are paving. Or put more simply, I hope you like the few deciding what all of us will read, watch and listen to.
Aaaaaand, I totally lied. Sorry for preaching there a bit.
Now, the reason for all of this…
Here is a FREE Bloody Pulp PDF download of PIECES FOR MOM. It’s one little self-contained story. It’s a TAD violent. Be warned.
Download PiecesForMom-SteveNiles.pdf (13927.1K)
I’ve also added a DONATE button below. Pay a penny, pay nothing. These are tough times and I’d like you to read the comic. If you do donate, ALL money will be divided evenly among the creators…except the letterer. Fuck him.
Most of all…just enjoy the comic and have a safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!