This Friday, December 3rd me and Bernie Wrightson will be at Dark Delicacies in Burbank signing all sorts of cool junk at 7PM. DD will have copies of Bernie' FRANKENSTEIN on hand as well as copies of The GHOUL and DEAD, SHE SAID!
Also, as a special bonus, Bernie will have ORIGINAL ART on hand and for sale from DSS and the GHOUL!
Dark Delicacies
3512 W. Magnolia
Burbank, CA 91505 U.S.A.
Tues.-Fri. 10am-7pm Sat.-Sun. 11am-6pm Closed Mondays
(for local calls)
[email protected]
Come on by and say hello!
From the 'This Just In' Department...
Warren Ellis like EDGE OF DOOM #2! This is like Mikey liking LIFE cereal. Thanks Warren!
Mystery Society #4 out on iPad, iphone and iPod touch!
MTV GEEK Reviews Edge of Doom #2!