News, announcements and links from this years San Diego Comicon
I guess this is my SDCC report. I was at con from Thursday through Saturday. Since I've been on the road more often than not in the last couple months, the whole show was a blur, but I had a lot of fun. SDCC was as big and crowded as it's ever been but this year I kept my schedule thin so I could run around a bit and say hi to some folks. In the end I saw only a fraction of what and who I wanted, but SDCC is so huge now, I feel lucky I saw what I did.
First day I had only one panel. It was the Dark Horse Horror panel with Mike Mignola, Eric Powell, Scott Allie, Marc Andreyko and Shawna Gore. I was brain dead but very pleased to finally announce plans for 3 new Cal McDonald/Criminal Macabre projects.
First and foremost we finally announced CHRIS MITTEN as the new artist on Criminal Macabre. Chris is absolutely perfect for the job and I couldn't be more excited. Chris will work on several Cal projects including a new one-shot and then the launch of a new Criminal Macabre comic series. I can't give away any plot-points but I will finally write a major new chapter in Cal's life, and trust me when I say, NOTHING will be the same after this one.
Also announced was the CRIMINAL MACABRE/GOON crossover which will be written by myself and Eric Powell. We have some crazy shit up our sleeves so keep an eye out for that one! More news soon.
Shawna Gore also announced January as the street date for SUPERNATURAL FREAK MACHINE. I'm not saying anything else about it. :)
The next day was divided between F.E.A.R. 3 press and signing at the Warner Brothers booth and then doing press and premiering the trailer for 30 DAYS OF NIGHT: DARK DAYS.
For FEAR 3 I did a couple interviews and signed posters at the WB booth.
Everybody was so nice and seemed very excited about the game which will be released in early 2011. The game is looking great and I'm pretty excited to play it myself.
FEAR 3: Carpenter:
After FEAR 3 I joined the cast and crew of 30 Days of Night: Dark Days, director and co-writer Ben Ketai. I have to say, Ben did an incredible job with the film. He had MUC less to work with than we did on the first, and he really made the best of it.
I had a chance to speak with Kiele Sanchez about her role as Stella. I was very impressed how much she had thought through the character. I was also surprised to hear that Kiele had been up for the role the first time around too, so she had real passion for Stella.
After a panel where we debuted the DARK DAYS trailer (people really dug it!) we signed some posters and then all had dinner.
Dark Days Trailer:
Saturday was a fun day. I only had two signings so I had a chance to hang out with Fiona Staples a bit and walk around after I did a signing at Dark Horse. The last thing I had to do was a MYSTERY SOCIETY signing at IDW.
I had a blast hanging out with Fiona. She's as nice as she is talented. We actually started lotting and planning what we'll do after MS is finished and I'm very excited about what we came up with.
I heard they mentioned X-Files/30 Days at the WildStorm panel. Woo. Wildstorm panel:
Hmmm. What else?
Oh yeah, Warner also announced they are putting out a SHOWCASE DVD which will include THE SPECTRE short I wrote. SDCC 10: DC Shorts Showcase featuring THE SPECTRE:
I believe they also announced a project I am doing with Longbox Digital, but all I can say right now it it involves 13 brains, 13 robots and 13 hours.
More to come as I remember!
Some of you might remember SACRED HEARTS, a series I'm doing with NAT "Roomie" JONES. Here's an image of one of the final creature designs.