Ooooo! Shiny and new. Let’s break it!
After years of wallowing in disarray and tech stupidity Grampy Niles finally has a website that he can actually update. Now, if the graphic on the front is from a book that went out of print in the late 90’s, it’s his fault.
Okay, enough talking about myself in the third person. It’s creepy and wrong.
I’ll be writing the vast majority of the content on here so I’ll just talk like me instead of pretending it’s an article written about me, ok?
Big, giant thanks go out to Rob Harrigan whose blog you all enjoyed while mine was down. Rob is a great designer and good friend. He set this whole thing up and I can’t thank him enough.
Rob also happens to be the husband of Stephanie Buscema who is an amazing artist I’ve worked with several times including…
SOMETHING MONSTROUS, a project I co-wrote with R.H. Stavis. Some of you may have seen a preview for this in the back of MYSTERY SOCIETY #1. Steph is doing the art and then we have a few other things up our sleeves.
More on that project later as well as EDGE OF DOOM! It’s the first creator-owned book I’ve done with long-time collaborator and friend, Kelley Jones. Each issue is stand-alone stories that are all connected and can be read in any order. The artwork Kelley is turning doing for it is the best stuff I’ve ever seen for him.
Since the store on my website died a slow death many years ago, I am happy to say you’ll be able to order comics, books, DVD’s and videogames directly through the site from places like Amazon and TFAW! Just look under CONTACT (we should probably change that) and click the link. More will be coming shortly!
Anyway, here’s the new site where I can post all kinds of stupid crap about comics and whatever I find amusing like pictures of Creature from the Black Lagoon mopping or Christmas at Ed Wood’s house.
This should be fun...if I don't break it.
Hope you like the new site!